Discover the behind the scene of this magical event that encapsulated MOUTY’s founders, Bertille & Thomas vision:
An exceptional location in the heart of Paris, a dream casting and a charismatic chef for an unforgettable moment.
A mix of cultures, creatives, athletes and artists that embody our brand values and identity in their very own way.
Inspiring and authentic guests that stand out thanks to their passion for excellence,
spirit of dedication, hard work and success.

Matt Pokora ( @mattpokora )
Christina Milian ( @christinamilian )
Roman Frayssinet ( @romanfrayssinet )
Cedric Doumbe ( @cedricdoumbe )
Paola Locatelli ( @paolact )
Pierre Bouby ( @pbouby )
Brice Tchaga ( @tchaga_ )
Dieylane Cisse ( @youngrodman )
Moriba Kone ( @moribakone )
David Bellion ( @sakhobellion )
Paul Samb ( @paulussaamb )
Hybra ( @hybra )
Place :
Hotel de Pourtalès ( @hoteldepourtales )
Chief :
Romeo San ( @romeosanfood )